Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Name that Tune

I'm a game show fanatic.   I know the hosts, I whistle the theme songs, and named our cat Plinko. 

The Dude, it seems, has inherited a bit of the game show DNA from me. 

He must really love Name That Tune.  Specifically, he loves the Bid-a-Note section.  You know, the "I can name that tune in 3 notes" deal.  

Ma+Pa:  We think a full night's sleep means waking up at 6:20

Coops: I think a full night's sleep means waking up at 6:15. 

           Eventually, he gets us out of our comfort zone...

Ma+Pa:  We probably won't fall asleep at work if we can sleep til 6:00. 

Umm, yeah, okay.   How about 5:55? 

            Then we fall to desperation...

Ma+Pa:  5:55?  Are you crazy?    If you wake up earlier than 5:30, we might kill someone tomorrow. 

Coops:   5:15, bitches!

Ma+Pa:  Okay, fine!  Name that tune.

Somewhere, the Tommy Oliver Orchestra is smiling.   

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Keeping up

Dang it.   It's been about a month since I've updated this blog.    I take no responsibility for this lack or updating -- I blame my son.   He's the one occupying my time.  

Over the last month, I've thoroughly enjoyed watching him gain some independence.   He's able to entertain himself, smile, laugh, and he's getting ready to roll over and sit up.    He still poops.  

There are times that I desperately want him to roll over, because it's another feather in his cap.   And, really, it allows me to brag to everyone that my kid is rolling over.    Really, I think that all of these milestones -- crawling, talking, eating, memorizing the quadratic formula -- mean way too much to us parent-types.   

It's not to say that milestones for the child aren't important during growth and development.   They are, I suppose.   I mean, once he can roll over, my son will be able to...umm, roll over again.   So, we got that going for us, which is nice.   

My son won't update his cutelittlebabyfacebook status when he rolls over.   He will, though, update his Twitter account, though.    Have you checked it out?    You might enjoy.  

For those of you that have young children, and you want to compare your child's accomplishments to my son's, here's a list of what he:   
  • sits upright
  • scoots
  • sleeps through the night
  • hates the Steelers
  • holds his own bottle - kind of
  • laughs
  • ignores the WNBA
  • updates Twitter

So, um, take that, other parents!