Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Here's a spoiler:

I skipped to the end of "What to Expect When You're Expecting."

The answer? A houseful of stuff.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Birth class

I'm still waiting on the final grade, but I think my wife and I passed our birthing class.

I took copious notes. Here are the most important things I learned:

  • Videos featuring the "miracle of life" miraculously suck the life out of me.
  • Women featured in these videos have not discovered the "miracle of hair maintenance"
  • It is impossible not to want to know the stories behind all of the other couples in the class.
  • The class will calm your fears one minute, then induce a panic attack the next.
  • Most women poop during labor and delivery.
  • There's a doctor in Findlay, Ohio, that reminds me of Will Forte.
  • Parents, with their doctor's permission, have videotaped the events that unfold in the Maternity Ward.
  • Sadly, this videotaping is not limited to the birth. Some folks have recorded the circumcision. What the what?
  • Seriously, though...people have recorded their child's circumcision. On purpose.
I guess the good thing to know is that, one way or another, sooner (ideally) or later, the baby is coming out.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Formulaic Dadness

"You're going to be a great dad!"

I'm not sure why people say that to me...maybe it'll be the agility at which I can change a diaper, or how well I'll be able to kill spiders.

So, I got to thinking....what makes up a great dad?

Here's my formula:

12% Henry Spencer from Psych (for his ability to always be one step ahead of his son)
13% John Kinsella from Field of Dreams (for the having a catch with son)
10% Jim Halpert from The Office (mostly because he's awesome)
16% Clark W. Griswold from National Lampoon's Vacation (mainly for ability to burst out into song during long car trip)
14% Glenn Holland from Mr. Holland's Opus (for his ability to appreciate the abilities of his son)
20% Cliff Huxtable from The Cosby Show (for the way he loves his wife, setting a great relationship role-model for their children)
5% Hank Hill from King of the Hill (for his knowledge on propane, and propane accessories)
10% Howard Cunningham from Happy Days (he wears cardigans)

There's the perfect dad.

Or, more succinctly, I should've given this formula:

100% My Dad (for his knowledge of propane...the way he loves my mom...for his bursting-into-song ability...for all of the things that the fictional dads listed above are...)

I hope that I'm as good of a fatherly role model for my son as my dad was for me.

Thursday, March 25, 2010



One word appeared on a stick. A stick with pee on it.

From that point, life changed. A lot.

This blog, inspired by FKS, Babyhood, and Away We Go, will be my attempt to make sense out of the pregnanthood and parenthood that has become my life.

I encourage you to join me on this journey.